Customer Percs |
Like all of us, just aging along... |
"Welcome to our Customer Percs section where we review the many fond memories with our many clients and friends. In 1972, I received a blood transfusion when I had my
back fused for a Harrington rod to stop scoliosis from curving my back
further. It was not until a life insurance blood test in 1992 that they
were able to detect that I had a strain of Hepatitis C. After many years
of checking from time to time, I was fortunate enough to meet with Dr.
Stephen Baum of Billings, Montana. He felt that with a six month treatment
of interferon and other medication that we had a seventy to eighty per
cent chance of nipping it in the bud. This little process from April
to about the first week in October of 2000 was difficult to say the
least. In July of 2001, Dr. Baum received the final blood test and certified
that I was completely cured. Many thanks go out to my concerned friends,
customers, and most especially to my wonderful friend, partner and spouse,
Jersey (2001-2010) |
"Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em! To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em!" Ted Nugent or 3-7-77 from our old Vigilante friends of Montana. (I hope I do not get in trouble with Uncle Ted but I just love this quote from him. glt) |
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