Meadowlark Gallery: The Artist Biographies

Sporting Art: Working Decoys

One has often found a beautifully repainted or aged decoy with 'no papers' or obvious history and can only ponder its travels. The working decoy creates for many a wildfowler and interior designer the romanticism of the distinctive ride on the water, creative styles, and wonderful decor in the home. Many a wildfowler for one reason or another carved their own decoys as a mix of enjoyment and economics. Beyond just the local working decoys, there was the evolution of the commercial working decoys which is worthy of noting.

The evolution chain of decoy makers primarily went from:

Mason Decoy Factory (1894-1926) to Pratt to Victor, and finally to Animal Trap. The "Pascagoula School" consisted of Pratt, Victor, and Animal Trap with Animal Trap becoming the result of those three.

After reviewing our working decoys please also go to our Mason Decoy Factory birds as well.

View high resolution images of works by working decoys when available.